Early Childhood Services – Birth to 6



103 S. Country Fair Drive
Champaign, IL 61821
800-877-1152 (referrals)

Child and Family Connections is the central point through which families enter the Illinois Intervention Services System. This program is for children birth to three years of age who have developmental delays or a medical diagnosis. Services may include developmental therapy, physical therapy, audiology, occupational therapy, family training/support, assistive technology, vision services, transportation, speech/language therapy, nutrition services, health services, medical services, nursing services, service coordination, social work services, and psychological services.

The Livingston County Local Interagency Council (LCLIC) advises and assists the CFC in the coordination of local people and resources necessary to implement a comprehensive service delivery system. Members include service providers, parents, local agency, and school representatives. They meet on a regular basis to identify and fill gaps in services and to develop strategies for public awareness, child find, provider recruitment, and transition activities. Support groups for parents, children, and siblings are also planned and provided by the LCLIC.



OSF St. James Center for Rehabilitation and Occupational Health
2500 W. Reynolds
Pontiac, IL 61764

This program serves children age birth to age 3 who reside in Livingston County and who are “at-risk” for developmental delays. Children must meet eligibility requirements which include less than a 30% delay in one area of development (speech, language, cognitive, motor, or adaptive/social skills) or at least one psychosocial, maternal, or physical risk factor. Services may include screenings, assessments, enrichment visits, enrichment groups, family education and support, and case management.

OSF also offers a Transition Playgroup for children 2 1/2 to 3 years of age in Livingston County. This free playgroup is designed to familiarize children with the structure of a school program before they enter school. Activities include group/circle time, music, snacks, arts and crafts. It takes place every Tuesday from 9:30 -11:30 am. Contact Leslie Grampp.



207 W. Jefferson, Suite 301
Bloomington, IL 61701

CCRRN provides referrals to child care options in McLean, DeWitt, Ford, and Livingston Counties. Parents are counseled on how to select quality child care that best meets the needs of their child. CCRRN provides training and education to child care providers and oversees a car seat loan program. Financial assistance is available to low income families to assist in paying for their child care.